Minutes of Web Meeting – Oct 19, 2010

Posted by: | Posted on: October 25, 2010

Dear All,

We are glad to inform you that we have successfully concluded our second meeting (web conference) on Oct 19 though only three alumni joined the meeting. We are attaching minutes of the meeting for your perusal:

Date: Oct 19, 2010
Mode: Web conference
Alumni present:
Kumar Nishith
Archana Pandey
Jayendu Krishna

1. We first plan to carry out consensus building in the organisation by inviting the batch representatives/those desirous of taking the responsibility for a one to one meeting. Archana has kindly consented to get in touch with the proposed batch reps (decided in the first alumni meeting in Delhi) telephonically and fix the meeting to consolidate the ideas and allocate roles and responsibilities so that formation of a legal entity is facilitated.

2. The alumni association (AA, henceforth) will be registered shortly. It is already in progress. Ashutosh, Nishith and Archana have taken the responsibility for this.

3. The scheduled meeting on Dec 5 will go ahead as planned. Nishith, Archana and Jayendu have taken responsibility for this.

4. The meeting on Dec 5 will primarily be organised to give the concrete shape to the organisation involving following:
4.1 Concrete action plan of AA
4.2 Allocation of roles and responsibility
4.3 kick off AA
4.4 hopefully announcement of registration of AA
5. It was decided that the organisation’s objective will remain as proposed in the first concept paper. It has been decided as we are yet make a corpus and more importantly we are still awaiting alumni’s response on their contribution to the organisation. All the organisational activities are being conducted with the help of handful of alumni at the moment, which might not be sustainable in the long run.

We again invite alumni to let us know how would they be able to contribute to the AA. It will greatly aid us in formalising it.

Thanking you for your support!

Hoping to see you all on Dec 5 in JNU school of Arts and Aesthetics auditorium assuming we get the booking. We will confirm it later.

Pls do let us know if you have any comments. It will always be appreciated.


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