Notification & Updates : 25th August 2014

Posted by: | Posted on: August 26, 2014

Dear friends,

Since January 19th, this year there has been a great emotional upheaval.

It increased more when I posted current pictures of our school, in May. Response was quite natural.

I have been in contact with many of our new alumni since then. Everyone is ready to contribute in some way or other.

AAMNA executive committee  has decided to launch scholarship plan from this year only. Plan is :

  • Rs 10,000 for book grant; every year.
  • AAMNA “Certificate OF Excellence” to the best students of each class, from class VI to Class XII.
  • Scholarship to the same best student as under
    1. Class VI : Rs 600
    2. Class VII : Rs 700
    3. Class VIII : Rs 800
    4. Class IX : Rs 900
    5. Class X : Rs 5,000
    6. Class XI : Rs 1,100
    7. Class XII : Rs 10,000

I have planned to launch it on 25th December this year, when we will have a get-together of AAMNA in School Campus. I am in contact with School authorities. As soon as we get a green signal, I will let you know.

Ahead of School meeting, I have planned for AAMNA meet ( Delhi Chapter) on 2nd October in Delhi. Venue etc. shall be declared soon.

Now some issues are still there, which I feel, need to be shared with you all :

  1. Donations to AAMNA fund is nearly nil. It has come on previous occasions, on the day of AAMNA meetings only. This is not a healthy approach.
  2. It should come generously, spontaneously and voluntarily. For this purpose, “AAMNA account” details shall be displayed  on our web-site As soon as you put some amount into this, please inform any member of the executive committee of AAMNA. You can sms/mail me directly in this regard.
  3. For AAMNA chapter meeting on 2nd Oct, and School meeting on 25th December, we need to collect separate donations. We will be obliged if you put your donations early in this regard.
  4. Participants at one or both venues are requested to sms/mail me the amount and date of donations. Please write note separately for both the events.
  5. In the recent past we have come to know about few bright students who actually require economic support. As envisioned in our first meeting, I am planning to start financial helps to these needy students. “How about” of all these, I will discuss on 2nd October.


From our alumni, the scholarship and book grant money for this year (Rs19,100 +Rs10,000= Rs 29,100) has already been collected.

However, to run it without a hitch it needs replenishment regularly.

I hope you all understand it well.

Start donating from today, never mind how small is the amount. It is the intention which actually matters.

AAMNA account shall be audited at regular intervals.

Waiting for your responses !

While donating, you keep yourself in the current hardship our younger colleagues are facing in the school. As soon as you do this, I am sure your hesitations will demise.


Dr Prashant Kr Chaudhary

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