AAMNA 2014: Minutes of Meeting 19th Jan 2014

Posted by: | Posted on: February 5, 2014

AAMNA meet 2014 January, 19th.

Dear friends,

First of all I would like to congratulate all of you for the successful meet of AAMNA on 19th at Scope Minar.

We have moved a step forward from our last meeting. This time we registered presence of 68 alumni of total gathering approx 100.

It was held in the presence of our Chief Guests Mrs Shail Trivedi (Founder Music Teacher) & Mr Trivedi, who are related to our past memoirs’ from JNVMadhubani. We are thankful to them as they could manage their time on a very short notice. They had many valuable inputs and encouragements for us.

I would like to give special thanks to our another guest Mr Manoj Ojha, who is currently Sainik school teacher at Rewari. He had purposeful comments, friendly advises and nurturing guidence for our AAMNA. I hope we all would keep his advises in our back of the mind while planning our next meet.

I applaud the presence of fresh batches in this meet. More than half of total present this time were from new batches.

I acknowledge active participation of many alumni who has given their time and energy to make this event happening. It is interesting that many of those who could not participate were regretting. I hope they do not miss next time. After all, meeting is for all of us to feel a sense of belongingness.

Dear friends, as I said on that day too, the purpose of AAMNA is to strengthen our bonding. Which I could see this time—increasing… I am happy that all of us spoke our mind freely and the House was listening. Exchange of thoughts were vociferous and from all batches present. I have noted down all these ideas which will be utilised as required.

Existing AAMNA team ( all office bearers and advisory members ) has been voted by the house, by voice vote, to continue as Team Leader as before. So the same persons will continue and deliver his/her assigned duties. The whole team is thankful to all alumni and the house, who has put their confidence in it. It would try to behold this confidence and will work for the welfare for JNVMADHUBANI and all ALUMNI

It is very much delightening that atleast 19 alumni have voluntarily come forward to help and work for AAMNA. Their names will be posted as “WORKING GROUP” of AAMNA arm. This working group will work in consultation with AAMNA team.

It was decided by the House that 25th December of every year there should be an alumni meet in JNVMadhubani campus. From that day onward I have started feasibility study in this direction. I will come back to you very soon with our plan of work.

It was also decided that AAMNA meeting should continue in Delhi region every year. Moreover Delhi meeting should be atleast two months in advance to JNVRM meet. This would serve two purposes:
1) Alumni, who are there in that region, have more possibility to join
2) After Delhi meet, we will have time for our preparedness.
Date will be flexible for Delhi meet and that we can discuss before announcing.

A list of names of BATCH COORDINATORS have been generated along with contact details. They all have come forward voluntarily. They will keep track of their own batch members and will help to bring them within this forum. In actuality it was experimented this time( for organising meet ) and you have seen the result. This time we have atleast one member from each batch except few. The batch/s which could not represent I am really sorry for; but we seriously need to find out the real reasons.

So anybody having information regarding any other alumni who are not registered yet; try to mail the contact details to AAMNA team along with batch coordinators. We will try our best to bring them in main stream.

It was also discussed in House that any alumni(he/she) should bring to notice about any event, student or alumni who may require any kind of material or intellectual help. I feel, a batch co-ordinator has a larger role to play in this regard.

I invite feedbacks from all of you regarding this meet. You should comment upon direction of working. Most important, if any of you have first hand information regarding our school, then please share with me.

“Fresh ideas come from the fresh minds” — I expect more from fresh batches.

We should Cherish our past, Enjoy our present and Grow in future. You may not agree with me instantly, but……Our School has given us plenty, realisation of this is slightly delayed. But it is never too late to give it back something which we can………!!!!!!!

Thanks for coming together.

Dr. Prashant Kr. Chaudhary

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