Next Meeting – December 5, 2010

Posted by: | Posted on: November 25, 2010

Next meeting of JNRM Alumni Association
Date and Time: December 5, 2010, 9am onwards

Venue: School of Arts and Aesthetics Auditorium, JNU, New Delhi

Agenda: Setting long term objectives, making JNVRM AA a formal entity, structure of the organisation

— Update — Venue changed — see latest post —

2 Comments to Next Meeting – December 5, 2010

  1. prashant 2nd batch says:

    venue changed due to unforseen cause. please bear with us

  2. prashant says:

    all the desirous persons attended this meet either physically or via other links. a starter for noble cause has been set in. Hope rest of alumni shall join us now

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